Hijabi Problems!

  1. Doing permanent damage to your skull with your scarf pins!

  2. “Do you have hair under the hijab?”

  3. Can’t find a matching hijab with your clothes!

  4. Can’t find matching clothes with your hijab!

  5. Finding a cute top with elbow length sleeves – it’s too hot to wear an undertop.

Need I say more? I’m sure I could create an extensive list, yet one thing is certain about us Hijabis. Despite the fuss we create, we love wearing the Hijab! So here’s a blog that gives you a bit of a rant, a bit of information and, of course, a bit of a laugh when it comes to wearing scarves daily.

This isn’t a platform to discuss racial profiling or spew any hate. It’s a casual setting for people to relate to, smile and ask questions if they need to that I’ll do my best to answer.  Cheers!